Employment & HR - Training

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APPRENTICES - 08.04.2024

Changes to apprenticeship funding rules

Training and assessment costs. If you don’t pay the apprenticeship levy, you must normally make a 5% contribution to an apprentice’s training and assessment costs; the government pays the other 95%, up to the funding band maximum (every apprenticeship standard is allocated to a funding band which caps the maximum the government will pay). However, for new apprentice starts from 1 April 2024, the government will fund 100% of the training costs, up to the funding band maximum, for apprentices up to the age of 21. ...
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Employment & HR - Training

Most read Tips & Advice

APPRENTICES - 08.04.2024

Changes to apprenticeship funding rules

Training and assessment costs. If you don’t pay the apprenticeship levy, you must normally make a 5% contribution to an apprentice’s training and assessment costs; the government pays the other 95%, up to the funding band maximum (every apprenticeship standard is allocated to a funding band which caps the maximum the government will pay). However, for new apprentice starts from 1 April 2024, the government will fund 100% of the training costs, up to the funding band maximum, for apprentices up to the age of 21. ...
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